Stepping Into Better Health: Overcoming Hallux Limitus

Step­ping Into Bet­ter HealthOver­com­ing Hal­lux Limitus

原创发表于Race Play Michi-ana 2016年8月- 9月

长跑有一种方式可以揭示出生理上的异常——很多时候是以我们意想不到的方式. In my first year of med­ical school, 我开始看到改善我的心肺健康的好处,并为此开始跑步. It didn’t take long to real­ize the need for appro­pri­ate shoes, a bet­ter diet, 还要知道如何根据爱荷华州中部多变的气候穿衣服. With my first half-marathon only weeks away, how­ev­er, I began to hear a click com­ing from the base of my great toe, accom­pa­nied by a full feel­ing” around the joint. 值得注意的是,我的脚从外面看起来很普通,没有肿胀或发红. 我买了一些非处方植入物,毫无困难地跑了半程马拉松. Soon after that, how­ev­er, the whole feel­ing became a dull ache…intermittent at first, then all the time.

What is hal­lux limitus?

拇趾萎缩是指拇趾在正常活动时不能在正常活动范围内活动. 正常的步态需要在大脚趾底部有65到75度的背屈度(向上弯曲的能力). 该关节流体运动的任何损害都可被认为是关节炎(“关节炎”意指关节和关节 itis” mean­ing inflam­ma­tion). The name of this par­tic­u­lar joint is called Hal­lux lim­i­tus. 这种进行性疾病甚至可能导致大脚趾根部失去所有运动能力(半强直). 下面的x线图像比较了正常的大脚趾关节与关节炎伴随的半强直的完全进展.

Clin­i­cal signs and symptoms

In its ear­ly stages, a per­son might feel swelling or a full­ness” at the base of the great toe, 当脚趾弯曲到上肢时,哪一种会导致关节疼痛. 疼痛会因卧床而加重,甚至在休息时也会发展为灼烧感或钝痛. At some point, 当关节开始失去活动能力时,可能会通过皮肤看到潜在的骨质突出. Even­tu­al­ly, if left untreat­ed, 当它从半勒克斯僵硬到半勒克斯僵硬时,关节将自动熔断. 

Why does this happen?

There are sev­er­al bio­me­chan­i­cal caus­es includ­ing: flat feet, a long first metatarsal, an extend­ed great toe or a func­tion­al­ly ele­vat­ed first ray. 紧绷的跟腱也会使你的脚变平, increas­ing the pres­sure on the fore­foot. 这种破坏关节的过程也可能是受伤或其他炎症导致的疾病(如痛风或类风湿性关节炎)的结果.

What can you do?

治疗半lux - limi - tus的关键是在关节破坏之前进行早期干预.

1. Over-the-counter arch sup­ports are a good start. Com­mer­cial­ly avail­able “摇滚”底鞋还可以帮助缓解走路时脚趾大关节的疼痛, but I would not rec­om­mend run­ning in this type of shoe.

2. 非甾体抗炎药如布洛芬或萘普生可以缓解炎症,但不能治疗病因. 长期使用也会导致许多药物相互作用和潜在的肾脏负荷过重, so cau­tion should be tak­en if need­ed beyond sev­er­al days.

What your podi­a­trist can do:

半勒克斯燃烧是一个渐进的、破坏性的过程,分为四个阶段. Treat­ment depends on the stage of the progression:

Stage 1—活动末端疼痛,最小程度的关节变化和关节炎症. 治疗的目标是恢复大脚趾的柔韧性, the bot­tom of the foot, and the Achilles ten­don. 这将与鞋子的评估和任何生物-生理-生理异常的治疗(必要时使用矫形器)一起进行。.

Stage 2 当关节进一步失去运动时,结构-转向变化开始于关节. 人们走路时脚朝外,以弥补无法将大脚趾向上弯曲的缺陷,这变得很常见. This may lead to plan­tar fasci­itis or even knee pain. At this point, 物理治疗和可能使用的处方消炎药和自定义矫形器可能是解决生物-生理-生理原因的必要条件. 手术干预可能需要恢复运动和保守治疗. 这样的早期手术干预可以保护关节,防止以后需要进行关节融合.

从左至右为半勒克斯Lim-i-tus阶段1 - 4的相对x射线. 注意关节的狭窄和下面的籽骨的破坏, which serve as a ful­crum for propulsion.

Stage 3 –The joint has lit­tle remain­ing motion, 并且有明显的结构缺失,以周围骨质增生为标志. Grind­ing with any attempt­ed joint motion is com­mon, along with an increase in pain, swelling, and com­pen­sato­ry alter­ations in gait. Sur­gi­cal inter­ven­tion is nec­es­sary at this point. 矫形、理疗和康复治疗可能会在手术后进行.

Stage 4 (hal­lux rigidus)–Auto-fusion of the joint has occurred. 此时关节可能不会感到疼痛,但功能已经完全丧失. At this point, an accom­moda­tive orthot­ic may be of ben­e­fit, or sur­gi­cal inter­ven­tion may be necessary.

Tell me about the surgery.

根据病情的严重程度,有几种治疗方法可供选择. 最终的目标是减少疼痛,让你恢复正常的活动. If sur­gi­cal inter­ven­tion is nec­es­sary, your recov­ery will vary depend­ing on the pro­ce­dure, age, over­all health, etc. How­ev­er, in gen­er­al, 你可以进行三到六周的非负重训练(使用拐杖或膝盖滑板车)。, 接下来是几周的康复训练,以恢复你的力量和柔韧性.

就我而言,我在1997年接受了手术,对骨头进行了减压,并对关节进行了重塑. 这与矫形器相结合,使我能够继续跑步,没有复发.

May the rest of your year be blessed with good health.

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